Korea Verband has created the EPRIE.labs 2020, which will be held in Germany and South Korea in 2020. In the two five-day EPRIE.labs we will collect, create, and implement ideas for transnational cooperation and future EPRIE programs.
Together with the EPRIE Alumni, we want to deepen our understanding and establish links between the topics of the previous EPRIE years. We want to learn from the EPRIE alumni network what makes EPRIE special compared to other programs, and want to hear their ideas for a future EPRIE program. The outcome will be a collection and documentation of tools in various forms.

The EPRIE.labs
The first EPRIE.lab in Berlin, Germany will focus on the collection of ideas for transnational cooperation. It will take place from June 27 to July 1, 2020. The main goal will be to work on different project ideas, receive feedback, and develop the first prototypes. In the second EPRIE.lab the participating alumni will implement and present their projects. It will take place in South Korea at the end of October 2020 (October 21 to October 25, 2020, tbc). Together with the EPRIE alumni, we want to discuss and develop ideas and tools to foster regional cooperation in Europe and East Asia.
Projects of the EPRIE.labs cover the following four topics:
- History revisionism, reconciliation, nationalism
- Migration and national borders
- Media and social change
- Multilateralism, overcoming borders and building bridges
The EPRIE.labs are open to members of the EPRIE alumni network. Four teams will be supported to develop their project. Successful applicants have the unique chance to participate in our workshop in Germany and Korea. Furthermore, they receive:
- Travel allowance of up to 100€ for travel within the regions and up to 400€ between both regions.
- Financial support of up to 5.000 € for the implementation of their project idea.
- Up to 1.000€ honoraria can be paid to each project group for the successful implementation of their project.
- Chance to select fellow EPRIE alumni to ideate and implement the project.
Project examples
The outcome of your project should document ideas and tools for transnational collaboration. Possible documentation projects include:
- Websites
- Short films, movies, documentaries
- Games
- Exhibitions
- Publications
- Manuals and handbooks
- Podcasts
Target group
The target group of the project ideas should be possible future applicants for the EPRIE program and possible donors, so they can learn about EPRIE. Furthermore, EPRIE projects are also developed for the EPRIE alumni to collect the memories, methods, tools, and results of EPRIE.
Project duration
All projects and activities must take place and be completed in the given project phase from June 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021.
EPRIE Journal
All projects and their outcomes will also be documented in a special issue of the EPRIE Journal, which will be produced by the EPRIE alumni together with Korea Verband.
How to apply
To apply for the EPRIE.lab 2020 with your project idea please follow these steps:
- Choose one or more topics which you would like to cover with your project
- Find collaborators among the EPRIE alumni by reaching out to the EPRIE community.
- Develop and write down your project idea and the form of documentation for your project by using the application form.
- Submit your application to info@eprie.net until May 04, 2020 (extended deadline!).
Please use the following application form as well as the cost and finance plan below for your application:
You can apply from March 13 to May 04, 2020 (extended deadline!). We welcome early applications!
We will review all complete applications in May. We will inform you on your project application in May 2020. Please note that we cannot consider incomplete applications for selection.
Further information / Contact partner
If you want to apply for the EPRIE.lab or have any questions regarding the EPRIE.lab, please get in touch with Yann (yann.prell@koreaverband.de), who can provide you with further information.
On March 21, 2020 we organised a webinar on the EPRIE labs. You can download the presentation of the webinar here. Below added the questions and answers of Q&A session. You can also download them here as a file.
Questions & Answers
The following questions and answers were part of the webinar on the EPRIE Labs, which was held on March 21, 2020.
Q: Is it possible to submit one project application while being part of a different project at the same time?
A: Yes, this is possible. When the successful project applications were selected and we see an overlap between two groups, we will contact the teams individually. You can then decide which team to be part of. You can also send in not only one application but also two applications, if you want.
Q: How many project teams will be selected? How many participants can participate in the lab in Germany and Korea?
A: We will have 20 people in Berlin and 20 people in South Korea, who are participating in the EPRIE Labs. Each time 5 people can participate in the project teams, but they don’t have to be the same people each time. Different people can work on the project in Germany and South Korea. Overall, we will fund 4 project ideas. So, four teams with five people each will be selected.
Q: How many participants may we have in each team?
A: We have five people in each project team. More people can work in the team or can contribute to the project, e.g. online, but just five people for each project team will be present in Germany and South Korea.
Q: How do you choose the four teams?
A: We will select the best ideas based on the quality and feasibility. It will be selected by Korea Verband and the Robert Bosch Stiftung.
Q: What is the relationship between the two EPRIE labs?
A: We have two EPRIE Labs and the first EPRIE Lab will focused on the collection of ideas. We already ask for a project idea in the application form and also a finance plan. In the first EPRIE Lab we will improve the project idea, think about what you might need for the implementation, we will prepare the project and do brainstorming. You will also receive a feedback from the others. You will be proceed with your project in between the two EPRIE Labs. During the second EPRIE Lab we work more on the implementation of you project idea and towards a final documentation or a potential outcome in the end. After that you will still have time to add final touches to your project.
Q: Is it possible to participate in only one EPRIE Lab, as some can only participate in one EPRIE Lab?
A: Yes, this is possible. We cannot coordinate for you who is part of which EPRIE Lab. We want you to coordinate which of your team members can participated in which county. You should find out who can do it in summer or fall and also who can travel to South Korea or to Germany, as that is not possible to everyone.
Q: Are the 5,000 Euro for all four projects or will every project receive 5,000 Euro?
A: Overall we have 20,000 Euro for all the projects and each Project Team will receive 5,000 Euro. For the project implementation, we are totally aware that some projects might be a little bit more cost intensive. Then it is possible to receive more than the 5,000 Euro. But that’s only possible if other projects need less money, and that’s we have to decide together during the first EPRIE Lab. Please plan you’re your project to maximum 5,000 Euro for the application.
Q: Do you invite speakers and specialists?
A: We want to invite trainers or coaches for you to support you during your project. That will be our task. We want to give you support for your finance plan, for the project management and project implementation. If you need specialists for your project, e.g. certain speakers that should be invited for interviews, they should be invited by you. You should suggest to invite these speakers.
About the Organizers and Supporters
The organizer of the EPRIE.lab is Korea Verband, a politically independent association based in Berlin. EPRIE.lab is kindly supported by the Robert Bosch Stiftung, a private German foundation engaged in the promotion of international understanding, and the Japan office of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung in Tokyo.