We are launching: Portraits of Change!

The EPRIE.Labs project “Portraits of Change” features stories of how journalists and activists have initiated chan­ge through use of media. The publication is now available for download and can be ordered as print edition in the shop of Korea Verband.


Future Workshop: Global Ideas Against Racism – Implementation Phase

As part of the Global Ideas Against Racism project, we would like to invite you to the third and last online workshop of our series. We will use the method of the ‘future workshop’. The goal is to develop ideas for anti-racism work together with you in a participatory process. In doing so, this workshop will focus in the upcoming session on an implementation phase. Previously, in the first phase, we have collected points of criticism that encompass problem situations concerning racism in different regions of the world. The second session addressed a fantasy/utopia phase in which we developed imaginative proposals for solutions, regardless of constraints, laws, economic and social obstacles. Now we want to elaborate further on how we get from critique to utopia.


Workshop: Global Ideas Against Racism

Are you interested in anti-racism?

Would you like to develop new ideas for combating racism?

If yes, join our up-coming digital workshop.

Within the framework of the project “Global Ideas Against Racism” a two-hour introductory workshop will take place on Saturday, 21st November 2020.


EPRIE Memory Card Game

The EPF project JKPGT invited EPRIE alumni friends to send us their best EPRIE memories and we are delighted to share you the results here.

From year 2012 to year 2019
From Seoul South Korea to Berlin Germany

This EPRIE memory card game contains diverse EPRIE moments and the back side card image consists of EPRIE alumni’s voices describing EPRIE in one word.
We hope this EPRIE memory game will be used as a souvenir, continuous play equipment to activate more meetings and cooperation work in the future.

EPRIE Journal 2019

Call for Contributions: EPRIE Journal 2019

The editors of the EPRIE Journal 2019 are looking for contributions for the EPRIE Journal 2019. Like in the previous years, we want participants, alumni, speakers and guests to contribute to our journal. The topics for our journal are mostly related to the topics of EPRIE itself, including historical and political reconciliation, migration and integration, populism and journalism, as well as reports on your own experiences regarding EPRIE. For inspiration you can have a look at our former journals.


Call for participants: JKPGT – Just Keep Play Great Together!

Call for participants for 2 day workshop in Otsu, Japan in March 13-14, 2020
“JKPGT – Just Keep Play Great Together! “

The project aims to improve the relationship between Korea and Japan by promoting dialogue between the two countries. The two days workshop with Joseon Gakko (朝鮮学校/조선학교, Korean school in Japan) will take place in Otsu, Japan (March 13-14, 2020).

Participants will create a new Japan-Korea history board game “Our encounter ~How we met in the past, Why do we meet today? and How we will meet in the future~?” , which will remind us of encounters between Japan and Korean peninsula in the past and today and help us think the possible future of the region. The workshop will be held in Japanese. Accommodation in shared rooms and meals will be provided.

Please send us your application via email until 31.Jan.2020 (drl.chouette@gmail.com). You can download the poster with more information and the application form here:


Trust Me!dia Workshop

 “Trust Me!dia” engages with current challenges of building and maintaining trust within the global media landscape. The project encompassing workshops and podcasts was initiated in connection with the 2018 EPRIE (Exchange Program for Regional Integration in East Asia and Europe) and is funded by the EPRIE Project Fund with support of the Robert Bosch Stiftung.

You are cordially invited to join the workshop on current challenges of the global media landscape organized by EPRIE Alumni. On April 13th (Sat) we will discuss social media and its increasing impact on journalistic and political dynamics as well as the proliferation of populism and fake news within our public discourse at the International Alumni Center in Berlin.

Saturday, 13 April 2019, 11.00am – 6.00pm
@International Alumni Center Berlin,  Linienstraße 65a, 10119 Berlin, Germany


Street Dance Workshop

Street Dance Workshop to Promote a Creative Space of Acceptance

Ready to dance? Alumni of the EPRIE Program organize an empowerment workshop through waacking! Beginner session, free of charge. Open to everyone, including non-dancers. Empowerment workshop aiming to create a safe space of creative expression for racial as well as LGBTQ+ minorities and their allies. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes. Heels are optional. (more…)